Elvira Randall

Elvira Randall

Language Arts Team

This is my 31st year of teaching and my 11th year at McKeel. I can honestly say that I still enjoy teaching, even more so than when I was a beginning teacher. Meeting my former students out in the community now grown and successful with their own families and hearing that they still remember things from my class is always a treat. 

My degree from Southeastern University is in English secondary education.  When I am not in school, you will most likely find me outside in nature--- hiking, riding my bike, kayaking, or simply relaxing on my back porch with a book.

This year we will be reading diverse pieces of literature: A Raisin in the Sun (play by Hansberry),  speeches in response to the Equal Rights Amendment (Shirley Chisholm/ Phyllis Schlafly), Lord of the Flies (novel by Golding), and Macbeth (play by Shakespeare). All of these selections have a common thread -- the perception of good and evil along with the struggle for POWER.

“The most courageous act is still to think for yourself. Aloud.” - Coco Chanel