Heather Torres
Technology Team
Welcome back, Wildcats! It fills me with immense joy that we will all be returning to campus for this school year.
This marks my 12th year at McKeel and my 25th year of teaching. In 1997, I obtained a Bachelor of Science degree with a major in Business Management from Webber International University. My teaching certifications cover Business Education, Reading, and Grades 6-9 English.
Throughout my career, I've taught Reading, English, and Graphic Arts. Presently, I am part of the Graphic Arts program at McKeel, where I also hold the position of Lead Teacher in the Digital Imagery Academy. In this academy, our students acquire diverse skills in creating various types of media using software like Adobe Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator, Premiere Pro, After Effects and HJeDesign. Notably, some of our talented students will utilize their acquired skills and knowledge to design the school's yearbook.
A very simple supply list is needed for all of my classes, as most of what we do is on the computer.
Supply List for all classes
- Folder with pockets (Plastic or paper but must have prongs; color doesn't matter.)
- Notebook paper (wide or college, your preference)
- Earbuds
- Pencils and blue/black pens
- Pack of Markers and colored pencils
- Scissors
- Glue or glue sticks
- Highlighter (any color)
- Tissues (the ones from the office can be a little rough on noses)
- Air Freshener Spray for the two bathrooms in my classroom