Ashlinn Rodgers

Ashlinn Rodgers

Physical Education Team

Hey Wildcats! I am SO excited to be back for another year in PE! This will be my 13th year teaching for the Schools of McKeel and this will be my 4th year at MAT! 

I graduated from Florida Southern in 2010 where I majored in Physical Education K-12. 

  • If you are ABSENT or have a note (from home or Doctor) to NOT PARTICIPATE you MUST complete an assignment to receive a grade for that day in P.E. You will have a zero for the day you are absent/sit out until the make upwork is turned in.

Your absentee make work options are:
* a thinking map (with at least 5 points) on a sport(s) or health related topic or

* 2 paragraph summary of a sport or health related article (include the link or article)